SEMANGATNEWS.COM – Simaklah pembahasan soal ujian Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 4 SD/MI berikut. Pembahasan ini merupakan gambaran bentuk soal yang akan diujikan dalam Ujian Akhir Semester (PAS/UAS) Semester 1/Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022.
Adik-adik dapat mempelajari soal berikut untuk mempersiapkan diri sebelum menghadapi ujian nanti.
Nah, berikut penjabaran soal dan kunci jawaban Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 4 SD/MI.
Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4
Answer the following questionscorrectly!
1. “ Cultural “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Budaya
B. Agama
C. Keragaman
D. Adat istiadat
Jawaban: a
2. How many religions in Indonesia?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Jawaban: a
3. Look at he picture below!
What is the name of a traditional musical instrument in the picture?
A. Gamelan
B. Tifa
C. Ceng ceng
D. Sasando
Jawaban: c
4. Look at the picture below!
The traditional dance above comes from …
A. Bali
B. Madura
C. Surabaya
D. Lombok
Jawaban: a
5. Look at the picture below!
What is the name of the traditional house in the picture?
A. Tongkonan house
B. Limas house
C. Joglo house
D. Gadang house
Jawaban: d
6. Look at the picture below!
The traditional clothes above comes from …
A. Aceh
B. Bali
C. Maluku
D. Minangkabau
Jawaban: b
7. “ Energi “ in English language is…
A. Energy
B. Earth
C. Geothermal
D. Sun
Jawaban: a
8. The biggest source energy on the earth is…
A. Sun
B. Month
C. Star
D. Planet
Jawaban: a
9. Look at the picture below!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Drinking
B. Eating
C. Take a bath
D. Washing
Jawaban: a
10. Look at the picture below!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Wash the dishes
B. Wash the pan
C. Wash the glass
D. Wash the face
Jawaban: a
11. Look at the picture below!
The energy source of the windmill is…
A. Fuel
B. Sunlight
C. Air
D. Wind
Jawaban: d
12. Look at the picture below!
Energy hasbeen used in the picture…
A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
Jawaban: d
13. My mother is ironing clothes. The energy used by mother is…
A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
Jawaban: b
14. “ Environment “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Makhluk hidup
B. Lingkungan
C. Tumbuhan
D. Hewan
Jawaban: b
15. We water the plants …
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the morning and afternoon
D. In the morning and evening
Jawaban: c
16. Plants that can become medicine is …
A. Ginger
B. Pine tree
C. Coconut tree
D. Jackfruit tree
Jawaban: a
17. “ Keberagaman “ in English language is…
A. Diversity
B. Benefit
C. Sentient
D. Environment
Jawaban: a
18. “ Rare “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Langka
B. Mudah ditemui
C. Dipelihara
D. Diperjualbelikan
Jawaban: a
19. Which is a rare animal?
Jawaban: a
20. The picture shows an environmental damage, except…
Jawaban: c
21. The people who work fishing in the sea is …
A. Teacher
B. Doctor
C. Fisherman
D. Farmer
Jawaban: c
22. Look at the picture below!
What is the job in the picture?
A. Doctor
B. Architect
C. Nurse
D. Police
Jawaban: b
23. Look at the picture belowe!
What is the job in the picture?
A. Doctor
B. Art worker
C. Nurse
D. Police
Jawaban: b
24. The person who educates us at school is…
A. Nurse
B. Police
C. Teacher
D. Tailor
Jawaban: c
25. Mr. Udin was repairing a damaged motorcycle, Mr. Udin job is …
A. Driver
B. Teacher
C. Mechanic
D. Pilot
Jawaban: c
26. Look at the picture below!
What is the job in the picture?
A. Fisherman
B. Farmer
C. Pharmacist
D. Breeder
Jawaban: a
27. What is produced by farmers, except…
A. Rice
B. Peanuts
C. Vegetable
D. Fish
Jawaban: d
28. “ Pahlawan “ in english language is…
A. Hero
B. Figher
C. King
D. Queen
Jawaban: a
29. Sriwijaya kingdom is located in…
A. Lampung
B. Kediri
C. Kalimantan Tengah
D. Palembang
Jawaban: d
30. “ Candi “ in English Language is…
A. Complex
B. Temple
C. Culture
D. Art
Jawaban: b
31. Look at the picture below!
Who is the figure in the picture?
A. Sultan Hassanudin
B. Sultan Iskandar Muda
C. Hayam Wuruk
D. Raja Balaputradewa
Jawaban: b
32. Look at the picture below!
Who is the figure in the picture?
A. Diponegoro
B. Gajah Mada
C. Hayam Wuruk
D. Balaputradewa
Jawaban: a
33. Pattimura comes from…
A. Aceh
B. Yogyakarta
C. Maluku
D. Sulawesi Selatan
Jawaban: c
34. The first president in Indonesia is…
A. Soekarno
B. Muhammad Hatta
C. Megawati
D. Joko Widodo
Jawaban: a
35. When is Indonesia’s independence day?
A. August 17
B. May 2
C. June 17
D. August 2
Jawaban: a
Soal Uraian dan Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4
Answer the following questions correctly!
1. Serimpi dance comes from the region…
2. East Java traditional house is…
3. A long time ago, farmer used sailboats to find fish, the energy source need by fishermen is…
4. The example of electronic devices that use electrical energy are …
TV, radio, computer, handphone
5. The example of rare animals in Indonesia isc…
Orangutan, tiger, komodo
6. The people who have a job making food is …
7. The material used to make chairs and tables is…
8. The king of Sriwijaya kingdom is…
9. The king of Majapahit kingdom is…
Hayam Wuruk
10. The father of Indonesian national education is…
Ki Hajar Dewantara
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